A Colored Mans Views
Winter Park, Fla., 2-24-93.
Editor Advocate: —
I am very sorry to see the plans of a few people to reopen the old incorporation fight which we all hoped had been settled a few years ago. It was thought that we were going to have a rest from that disgusting spectacle. It seems, however, that some people, preachers included, like a wrangling fight and war better than peace. The way I look at it, they pray for peace and sign for war.
Now people who are office seekers will do almost anything; but I do want to call the attention of Rollins College to one fact, that is this: When the wet and dry contest was on, Prof. Ford thought the colored people of this place were inclined to vote wet, he begged them to vote dry saying if the precinct went wet it would ruin the college. After hearing the college Prof’s. appeal we all voted dry. All went solid The Prof, said we did noble and acted the part of good citizens. Now how are we to be treated? The first chance he and Prof. Austin get they sign a petition to cut us out of town; try to curtail our liberty and take away our rights.
They want to turn our little settlement into a turmoil. If we do not have town laws over our portion of town it will be a place where all the toughs of Winter Park will come ; where liquor will be sold ; where all kinds of bad people in Winter Park will come to cause trouble and drink. Our place, instead of being a quiet one, as it is now, would be turned into a very bad plade
If Profs. Ford and Austin desire to turn our people out of town and take away our law and order, and this is a sample of their manliness, then we think when the next wet and dry election comes on that we can decide without their advice and think that the wet men cannot rob us any worse.
In this letter I wish to exemp Dr. Barrows, who has always acted toward ns in a kind, gentlemanly and Christian spirit.
Yours. H. H. Lovett.