A literary society was organized in Hannibal Square last Tuesday night…

August 15, 1891

A Literary Society was organized in Hannibal Square last Tuesday night with the following named persons as officials: G. C. Henderson president, J. H. Walker rec. Secretary, F. R. Wilson 1st vice president, W. B. Simpson treasurer, J. H. Arnold cor. Secretary, J. Jordon librarian, E. D. Byrd asst. cor. Secretary, Benj. Wilson asst. rec. Secretary. An execntive committee was appointed to get up a constitution and by laws and present them next Tuesday night which time the organization will be completed. No name has as yet been given to the society, but will on next Tuesday night.  It is a settled fact that one of the following names will be adopted at next Tuesday night’s meeting. The Moore, The Chase, The Hatchins, The Peckham, or The Lawrence. Giving it the name of the “Moore” would be in honor of the ablest men of color in South Florida and a strong advocate of more education for the masses. “The Chase” would be alter the name of the founder of Winter Park and a man who has always showed, when opportunity presented itself, marked friendliness for the colored people. “The Hutchins” would be alter a young man whose very name brings new vigor to every person in Winter Park, he is a dear friend to the colored people and is one of the largest property owners here. “The Peckham” world take the name of that grand gentlemen, Col. P. Peekham, whose name and standing among the colored people in Hannibal Square is among the most prominent. Col. Peckham is a liberal gentleman and has done a great deal for the colored population here. “The Lawrence” would be in honor of a gentleman whose name will live among the colored people as long as Orange county lives. His philanthropy has made him a name among the colored people that will not kanker or fade soon so as long as there is one to remember his kindness. Which one of these names proves to be the most popular next Tuesday night we cannot tell just yet, but are sure that it will be one of the five.


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