To The Advocate: Certain Men Who…

download (2)Winter Park, Fla.

February 23, 1898

To The ADVOCATE:  Certain Men who are

Certain med who are endeavoring to run the town by the infamous Gerrymander are making statements on the street- corners that the money of the town is being stolen, squandered, and misappropriated, or used for the benefits of the town government.

In the interest of the truth we characterize all such statements absolutely false in every particular.  They are slanderous, malicious and make with evil designs.  Difference of opinion and honest criticisms are always proper and are respected by all food citizens.  But when disappointmented men seek to poison the public’s mind, carry conviction by methods so dishonorably and disgracing they should be held in contempt and scorn, and branded with infamy.  That this matter may be given a death blow we stat the following:

First.  We assert that an accurate itemized account of every dollar collected and expended is kept by the Treasurer or the town, who is under bond.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Second. We assert that every bill presented is passed upon in open Council meeting, and that every council meeting is open to the public.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Third.  We assert that no bill is ordered paid unless an itemized account is presented to the council and certified by the chairman of the community under whose direction the money was spent and also approved by the Finance Committee.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Fourth.  We assert that the Treasurer has not paid out one dollar unless upon a Warrant and Voucher, and that said Warrant and Voucher are now matters of personal in his office. We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Fifth.  We assert that every dollar collected has been expended on town affairs as itemized voucher shows.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Sixth.  We assert that not one dollar has ever been stolen or lost.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Seventh.  We assert that the book of the town, with all its record, is open for inspection to any person who desires to examine any book or paper.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Eight.  We assert that the minute book of the Town Council prove every statement made in the above. We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Nine:  We assert that the Town Council has never spent a dollar only what has been directly authorized by the State law.  We challenge any man to prove to the contrary.

Ten.  We assert, that if street corner orators cannot disprove these assertions they had better become students instead of teachers and practice some of the religion that some of them preach.

One Who Knows.


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