A Quiet Election


Trascript Photo

July 2, 1893

A Quiet Election


Last Monday as per call of ex- Mayor Chubb the city election under the new act was held. About 30 persons, maybe a few more, voted, and as there was but one ticket in the field, as a matter of course it unanimously elected.

This Following is the ticket elected as near as we can get it. Mayor Dr. Henkel, Marshal. A. Hunter, Colector- Hunter Dr. Tressurer J. H. Bear Clerk, W.A. Guild, assessor Henry Dunlap. The followiug are Aldermen, A.E. Rogers, W.M. Schultz, -Phelps, P. Dale, W. Abereomby, H.S. Kedney, – Pierce.

Of the aldermen elected, five live to the east of the Seminole hotel and they live in the section known as Os eola. The men elected are very well thought of; some of them being our very best citizens. Dr. Henkle, the newly elected mayor is an old citizen here and, while he may like a great deal of having so  representa-tive a turn about him as his predecessor he will be mayor of Winter Park until next Febuary, at least.

Mr. Hunter, marshal ought to make a good brave marshal. He has the apperence of an athelite and might do credit to his posinion. The treasurer is an is an old resident bachelor of this country ; having spent several years at Maitland where he made a very fine grove. He owns a nice grove near the Seminole and and should the Candado craze get in his head his grove will cover all damages.

The clerk, W. A Mr. Guild is an old resident here and is regarded as a worthy man. He is the best poli- tician and is said to be the oldest parliamentarian elected. The ases- sor is qnite a lad yet and he has not lived in Florida very long. He was a supporter of the faction elected Monday and for that he got there for assessor. The property prerequisite did not hold in all cas- es or course not. The aldermen are with a few exceptions regarded amoung our very best people here. Of course we are informed that the greater part of onr honorable council must yet learn how to even oppose thing a parlimentarity.

Mr. Albercromby was elected president and now things are moving on. For them we hope success.

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