Dr. M A. Henkel left Friday morning


July 15, 1893

Dr. M A. Henkel left Friday morning of last week for Virginia his state of nativity to visit relaive and friends.

Mrs. Atnetritla Isreal, wife of our popular grocer F. R. Isreal le t last week for Mon icelle, Fla. To s end the summer.

Major Smith is having a cottage creeted on his lot in Tantum’s addi-tion. Several others are contern-plating building the e oon.

Mrs. B. R. Swoope and niece have left for a short stay at Ormond From there they will go to their old home in Virginia.

Mayor Chubb, [proper] is bustling things around town. He expects to do a great deal of selling and exchanging real estate during the next six months.

The large safe belonging to the town has been removed from the old meeting place of the former council to the Knowles public school building.

The M. E. church members and friends had a pleasant ienie at Lake Mont Park on the 9th inst. About 50 persons attended and all had a good time.

Jadge Mizeli’s family, Mr Will King and family, Mrs. H. H. Berry and daughter. Mrs. Jennings left last Monday for a two months stay at Coronado Beach.

What is the new council doing in the way of improvements? We have not seen any of their signs yet Yes we saw a notice in the Post Of. fice l u ding for bids to light the lamps.

Quite a great many the people of Hannibal Square will attend quar-terly conference services at Oviedo tomorrow, Sunday—45 cents for the round trip. Everyboy can go and help the Oviedo church which is badly in need.

We are pleased to learn that Mr. J Capen is enjoying life and making money in Detroit. He is a worthy gentleman and he is badly missed here. Mrs. Capen. his wi e, is now with him and is pleased with her new home.

Mrs. E. A. Faulkner of Long Dock. Fla, and Mrs Faulkner of Bartow, on their way north made a short stop at this place some time since it is hoped that there will soon be another Mrs. Faulkner soon, whose home will be Winter Park. Do you see.

We need good streets and side walks and must appeal to the pres-ent council for such. gentlemen, prove yourselves to be the friends of the people and of the town. You cannot win the confidence of the people by abusing the actions of predecessors; you must do better chan they if you want the people to say you are better.

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